I have been meaning to write about this very same topic! All my best friends live far away and in the past three years since being away, we have found new ways of building and evolving our friendship. I feel loved by them even with all that distance ❤️
I'd love to read about your experience with long distance friendships! Finding friends that make you feel like there's no difference between you is a surreal feeling ❤️
so grateful to have a text of mine in 'Things Worth Your Attention' at the bottom of this wonderful piece about friendship!! Always send you lots of virtual hugs while looking forward to meeting properly!! 🫂🤍
You will always be on my list Giorgia! I loveeeee reading your newsletter 🫂 So many virtual hugs back to you and hopefully one day we'll share a coffee together!!! Maybe if you ever end up in Spain ;) ❤️
This post made me so happy to see the real specific, tangible examples of things you've sent your friends. It's really what makes those micro-day-to-day-interactions-across-distance so magical, is that they are very personal to the person you are sending them to and wouldn't land the same for someone else!
I’m so glad this found me! Hit a lot of points with me, especially with my bestie living far away, and having similar childhood friendship experiences. It’s been wonderful to look at my current friendships and feel so comfortable.
I recommend Elizabethtown!! I haven’t seen it in forever but I feel it fits within your vein of recs😁
this was so lovely, as someone with majority of her bestfriends living far away this just reminded me how important the postcards and little gestures really are ❤️
They really are! I can't tell you how many times I've opened my letter box feeling sad and have left crying of joy with a postcard or a letter in my hands 😭
Qué texto tan bonito! En el último año he pesando muchísimo en lo que significa la amistad. Por desgracia me identifico mucho con lo que cuentas y me alegro de que poco a poco vayamos saliendo (y escapando) de esos patrones. Tu lista de rom-coms es perfecta! P.D. no es solo rom-com, pero si no la has visto todavía, tienes que ver About time! ❤️🩹
1. le he pasado tu carta a mi mejor amiga que también vive lejos🫂
2. me he sentido taaan identificada. también creo que cuando nos hacemos adultas conseguimos cruzarnos con las personas que nos habrían querido en el colegio.
3. tu orden de películas es casi igual al que habría elegido yo 🥹
jolin, he llorado un poco con el café de hoy 😮💨 qué contenta estoy de volver a recibirte por email, me siento como meg ryan (amo que estés hasta el cuello de romcoms para entender la referencia) 💘 tengo muchísimas ganas de tenerte en casa amigaaa
Es el texto más bonito sobre amistad y AMIGAS que he leído nunca 😭💔 Y otra vez, conexión mental porque también he estado dándole vueltas esta semana a lo que significan los pequeños detalles y la inmediatez en las relaciones de amistad a distancia hoy en día y tú lo has puesto en unas palabras preciosas, love you xx
Pues y eso que siento que no he abarcado NADA de lo MUCHO que os quiero a todas!!!!!! No os he hecho justicia, pero me alegro que te haya gustado ❤️!!! love you amiga xxxx
Such a good point! I feel like the thing that always becomes frustrating with long-distance friendships is the way we end up only talking really occasionally, and so it mostly just consists on catching up the major highlights of our lives, while I see my friends who live in the same place as me in all this really mundane everyday moments that make it feel like I know them more. I love that you're able to do that even with your friends who live farther away!
I have been meaning to write about this very same topic! All my best friends live far away and in the past three years since being away, we have found new ways of building and evolving our friendship. I feel loved by them even with all that distance ❤️
I'd love to read about your experience with long distance friendships! Finding friends that make you feel like there's no difference between you is a surreal feeling ❤️
About time is my absolute favorite movie of all time!!! You can't miss with Richard Curtis movies!!!
About time, noted!!!! I can't wait to watch :))))
so grateful to have a text of mine in 'Things Worth Your Attention' at the bottom of this wonderful piece about friendship!! Always send you lots of virtual hugs while looking forward to meeting properly!! 🫂🤍
You will always be on my list Giorgia! I loveeeee reading your newsletter 🫂 So many virtual hugs back to you and hopefully one day we'll share a coffee together!!! Maybe if you ever end up in Spain ;) ❤️
This post made me so happy to see the real specific, tangible examples of things you've sent your friends. It's really what makes those micro-day-to-day-interactions-across-distance so magical, is that they are very personal to the person you are sending them to and wouldn't land the same for someone else!
I’m so pleased you enjoyed it 💗 thank you 🥹
Are you me??? I have never encountered something that felt so relatable re: friendship. I thought I failed at being a human being
You don’t fail, it’s just hard sometimes ❤️🩹
This was a very personaly moving read for me, thank you for the words you put to down for some feelings that I wasn't able to express on my own.
Thank you for reading, I’m so glad it resonated 💗
I’m so glad this found me! Hit a lot of points with me, especially with my bestie living far away, and having similar childhood friendship experiences. It’s been wonderful to look at my current friendships and feel so comfortable.
I recommend Elizabethtown!! I haven’t seen it in forever but I feel it fits within your vein of recs😁
Love the recommendation! I’ve taken note! 🤍
This is my favourite thing you’ve ever written, Emily. I relate so much, I have felt every single thing you so beautifully described. Amazing!
This means a lot, thank you so much Caoilainn 🥹
this was so lovely, as someone with majority of her bestfriends living far away this just reminded me how important the postcards and little gestures really are ❤️
They really are! I can't tell you how many times I've opened my letter box feeling sad and have left crying of joy with a postcard or a letter in my hands 😭
ay es que te amo!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
yo te amo más ❤️❤️❤️
Qué texto tan bonito! En el último año he pesando muchísimo en lo que significa la amistad. Por desgracia me identifico mucho con lo que cuentas y me alegro de que poco a poco vayamos saliendo (y escapando) de esos patrones. Tu lista de rom-coms es perfecta! P.D. no es solo rom-com, pero si no la has visto todavía, tienes que ver About time! ❤️🩹
Ay! Qué guay! Otra chica me ha recomendado justo esa película, es señal de que tengo que verla sí o sí! ❤️
precioso y extremadamente cierto ❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹 ojalá pronto tomarnos un matcha cara a caraaaaaa 🍵
Dicho y hecho!!!!!!! Te invito yo! ❤️
varias cosas que quiero comentar:
1. le he pasado tu carta a mi mejor amiga que también vive lejos🫂
2. me he sentido taaan identificada. también creo que cuando nos hacemos adultas conseguimos cruzarnos con las personas que nos habrían querido en el colegio.
3. tu orden de películas es casi igual al que habría elegido yo 🥹
4. mil millones de gracias por la mención!!
varias cosas que te quiero contestar:
1. me hace una ilusión tremenda que hayas compartido este pomelo con tu amiga ❤️
2. tienes toda la razón, y la espera merece la pena cuando llegan las personas adecuadas.
3. me alegro que una novata de romcoms como yo haya elegido bien!
4. mañana el pomelo es gracias a ti 🫂
jolin, he llorado un poco con el café de hoy 😮💨 qué contenta estoy de volver a recibirte por email, me siento como meg ryan (amo que estés hasta el cuello de romcoms para entender la referencia) 💘 tengo muchísimas ganas de tenerte en casa amigaaa
tengo miles de ganas de abrazarte y lo mejor es que pronto lo podré hacer!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Es el texto más bonito sobre amistad y AMIGAS que he leído nunca 😭💔 Y otra vez, conexión mental porque también he estado dándole vueltas esta semana a lo que significan los pequeños detalles y la inmediatez en las relaciones de amistad a distancia hoy en día y tú lo has puesto en unas palabras preciosas, love you xx
Pues y eso que siento que no he abarcado NADA de lo MUCHO que os quiero a todas!!!!!! No os he hecho justicia, pero me alegro que te haya gustado ❤️!!! love you amiga xxxx
Such a good point! I feel like the thing that always becomes frustrating with long-distance friendships is the way we end up only talking really occasionally, and so it mostly just consists on catching up the major highlights of our lives, while I see my friends who live in the same place as me in all this really mundane everyday moments that make it feel like I know them more. I love that you're able to do that even with your friends who live farther away!